Monday, December 30, 2013
I Knew You Before You Even Existed
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Guest Post: Dave Taylor: "SPORTS? WELL, I DO HAVE A SON..."
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
An Open Letter to Parents on the Playground: It Is OK to Play With Your Kids
I didn't know how to answer that. I couldn't come up with a good answer so I only said, "Some parents can't play with their kids like I can." Which is true. Maybe you had a surgery or you just aren't that young and aren't able to catch up. My kids are great in many ways. One of them being they are always giving me things to think about. This started me thinking.
Parenting is hard. We can all agree on that. All we ever do is deal with kids and when we have a moment, we just want to sit and enjoy it. The little ones are always there and they do not make things easier, that's for sure. But they still need us and play time is one of the best ways we can teach them. Over and over again when I go to the playgrounds that are popular and I see the same sight. Mom's and Dad's just sitting down and messing with their phone while the little ones run around in chaos. Of course, it is not everyone but this message isn't for the 25% (totally made up; number based on experience only) that do play and interact. This is for the phone moms and dads.
Most of the reason I go to this particular lonely park is because it is right next to my wife's work and we have 45 minutes to kill before we pick her up. The other is because I don't have to get weird looks from people sitting down while I am jumping around and playing in the sandbox. I have never liked putting myself in a position where people look at me so I like that I can play tag with the kids and run and slide down slides and jump off swings and...You get the picture. It allows me to act like a kid. You may not realize it but your kids are watching you. When they see you sitting on your phone ignoring everyone they will learn that it is OK to be that way. I think we can agree that is not what you want from your kids. You want them to be social and play with others. You don't want them sitting on the swings with their own phones Instagraming the sun and saying how awesome playing at the park is (which I have seen many time; seriously, anyone under the age of 13 DOES NOT NEED A SMART PHONE! But that's another post altogether). We want them to be friendly and not be afraid to play with other kids.
My point is that it is OK to play with your kids at the park. Let them see you having fun. Let them see you being silly. This is a moment where you can take a break from being mom or dad and be a friend. These little moments go a long way and when they are older they will remember it! Parenting is about having no regrets and raising our children the way they will look back and say, "Mom was so awesome. She was the one all the kids wanted to play with at the park." I am always certain to make moments and traditions that will last forever. When we go to the car; I will race them and sometimes I even let them win. When we are in elevators; I will tell them the elevator needs help and we need to push up with all our strength. These moments will be something my family will always cherish. Don't wait for your kids to create the good times...Create the good times for them.
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
My Experience at the 18th Annual At-Home Dads Convention
My trip began at 3 am eastern time. I woke to my alarm and ate breakfast. Knowing I wouldn't be eating for a while, I ate some extra calories. Little did I know it still wouldn't be enough and would be eating again for nearly 10 hours. Everything worked out; my plane was on time and I made it on without issues, even after leaving my Fitbit on while going through security I still was in the air at a 6:50am. It was a quiet flight, after all it was really early and most people were asleep. Even the 2 people next to me. I stared out the window as we took off I noticed the sun beginning to rise, I was listening to m83 on the iPod and it had just began to play their song, "Wait." The brilliant colors of the sun coming over the horizon was the most amazing sight I have ever seen (aside from the birth of my kids). It seemed I was the only one to notice. A I am listening to this song I am overwhelmed by emotion. It reminds me it will be the first time in a very long time that my boys will wake up and their dad would not be there. I felt myself begin to tear up and I was sad that I couldn't be there for them in the morning.

"Send your dreams
Where nobody hides
Give your tear's
To the tide
No time
There's no end
There is no goodbye
With the night
No time" - m83 - "Wait"
After spending the day in downtown Denver, after I finally found some food in downtown, I met up with Eric of Dad on the Run and Don Jackson of Daddy Newbie. It was great being able to hang out with 2 guys I felt I already knew because of Facebook. After about 30 minutes, my roommate and gracious host Al Watts arrived and I was finally able to get in a room and clean up. As a scholarship recipient, Al hosted me in his room without me having to cover any costs. I am still amazed and thankful for everything the National At-Home Dad Network (NAHDN) did to help me get out there. They covered flight, admission to the convention and even covered the cost for the Saturday dinner. After spending a few minutes in the room I met downstairs with Eric and Chris from DadNCharge. I then did something I have never really done before; walked to a bar for a few drinks. After a couple beers and meeting up with Trevor from OneSAHD, we headed back to the hotel for the meet up before we all headed to Lucky Strike.
That night when I finally arrived late to the hotel I was surprised to find my roommate was not there yet; I figured he would have been asleep already since, being the president of the National At-Home Dad Network, he would have a busy day in the morning. He arrived not long after but this began one of my favorite parts of the convention; my nightly conversations with Al Watts. He, being a little older than me, had so much insight at what I am going through and put a lot of things in perspective. It was great talking about the convention, past conventions, future ones, Brian Dickson, how the scholarship works, ect. Learning how much goes in to putting this on made me want to be a part of it. It was the first night that I decided to volunteer to help with the scholarship committee with the hopes to help expand it and help other dads that have financial trouble to make the trip.
Early Friday many of us went to the Food Bank of the Rookies for a community service project and then after lunch the convention officially began.The speakers for the Friday were really great. We were introduced to Dr. Richard Mahogany and, followed by a great discussion with, Al, Hogan Hilling, Chris Routly and Doug French about empowering dads and leading the charge on breaking down negative stereotypes. Something we all deal with on a regular basis; people that don't understand why we are at home with the kids and not our wives. Two people that left a positive impression on me during the whole trip were women. Lisa Duggan and Stephanie Jelley from The Modern Village & Umojawa. They did a nice presentation on mindfulness and at every turn, whether speaking or just hanging around during a meet up, they were always helping us and inspiring us to be great dads.
Saturday began our keynote speaker (Dr. Harley Rotbart) and our breakout sessions. Dr. Rotbart blew me away. His book No Regret Parenting is all about creating those little moments in your kids lives that will stick with them for the rest of their life. It has been an eyeopener in the fact I realize I already do things like, every time we are in an elevator my kids and I will try to lift the elevator up or push it down. My kids always do it even when I'm not paying attention. Hearing what he had to say made me realize how important it is to always do that and make it a moment they expect and have fun with it.
After a great lunch provided by the breakouts began. I attended Returning to Work, At–Home Fitness, Infants & Toddlers, Marriage – Relationship . They all offered a great learning experiences but the one I enjoyed the most was the At-Home Fitness session. It made me realize how easy it can be to get in little workouts and still get stuff done. They actually had us doing the exercises so we can learn them before we take it back home and start to be more fit.
The part of the whole convention that I enjoyed the most was the end. Not because I was happy it was over but because it offered the most emotion. Al Watts blew us all away with a powerful talk about his daughter and how her recent brush with death was a reminder about why he stays at home and why he helps run the NAHDN. The story had almost every man in that room tearing up. His daughter was horseback riding in Yellowstone and the horse she was riding stepped wrong and fell in a canyon with is 11 year old still on. She stopped around 150 feet down and was trapped there fro 4 hours waiting for helicopters to come and rescue her. I know we were all imagining that happening to our own kids. Afterward we watched a slideshow of pictures of our kids. Seeing all these happy faces of our kids was a bit overwhelming. Having just heard Al's story seeing picture of kids I recognized, kids that looked like guys I just met and then seeing my own brought tears to my eyes. All the pain I felt about leaving them was too much and I couldn't hold back. I don't think I have ever missed my kids more than that moment.
During closing remarks, I was real proud of all the scholarship dads that stood up and thanked everyone for helping us get to the convention. It is extremely important for dads that are low income to attend something like this because we learn stuff we never would because we can't afford it. There are so many books and classes offered back home but because of our position we can't attend or buy the books. I am very happy we spoke up because it allowed us to put it out there that this scholarship is great and can be better if only we get the word out and bring in more funding to get more dads out to these conventions. I was nearly brought to tears when I heard of some dads, that didn't really know about the scholarship, decided that they would pay for a hotel room for next years recipients. I decided if I couldn't afford it next year, I would rather sit it out than to receive another scholarship and stop someone from missing out. If you can please donate to the scholarship fund and help as many dads as we can.
I guess it't time to close this. I want to thank a lot of people here. For Robb Tavill, thank you for all the work you did to get me out there. For Al Watts, thanks for hosting me at the last minute and for all the amazing conversations. They may have kept us up later than we should have but they were worth it. For Eric Boyette and Don Jackson for hanging out with me while I waited for Al to arrive. For James Kline, thank you for teaching me how to enjoy beer and for the great conversations we had, I can't wait for 2015/2016! For Greg Washington, thanks for being awesome and all the Facebook friend suggestions. For Michael Brown for the great conversation we had that left me feeling inspired about something I can barely remember, one too many beers I guess. And a big collective thanks to the following for just being awesome: Philip Andrew, Will Culp, Rich O'Dell, Ron Crouch, Bill Ekhardt, Justin Faucette, Joe Agro, Ryan Rippentrop, Lance Somerfeld, Doug French, Stephanie Jelley, Jim O'Dowd, Todd Matarazzo, Chris Routly, Lisa Duggan, Jesse King, Hogan Hilling, Christian Toto, Michael Madsen, David Worford, Jarrod Hindman, Dr. Harley Rotbart, Nick Weber, Alberto Pellicer, Austin Dowd. For the convention sponsors: Huggies,,, Farmrich, The Modern Village, Umojawa,, DAD 2.0 Summit.
I know I missed a few people but if I talked to you and didn't mention you here it is because either we never friended each other on Facebook or I never got your name.
And a huge thanks to Richard Blake and all the other Denver dads for leading the charge on setting it all up!
Friday, August 2, 2013
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Health Tip #31: The Dangers of Splenda
You may think you are doing good by replacing Aspartame with Splenda but your not. It is an easy jump to say, "I should stop drinking Diet Pepsi and switch to Pepsi One" but your only opening yourself up to other problems. The best way to maintain a healthy life style and feel good is to stop drinking pop all together. Don't replace one bad thing with another. I use Stevia (Truvia) which is a Natural sweetener because it is derived from the plant and doesn't involve chemicals to make it low calories. It has also been shown to help decrease hypertension and lowers blood sugar levels in diabetes patients. It was also been used by South American Natives to prevent pregnancy, apparently. As with all sweeteners even Stevia should be avoided during pregnancy and while breastfeeding, mainly because there hasn't been enough research involved.
Monday, July 1, 2013
I've always wanted to be writer. I enjoy it and I enjoy reading but like everything else I half ass it and never get anything done. How many posts are here that say "in back expect more." This isn't one of those posts...I hope. Here is the thing I want to write more. Will I succeed? Probably not. Will I try? No...I will do. What can you expect here? You can expect a few posts then a drop off. But I will do my damnedest to not let that happen.
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Health Tip #30: Morning Hydration
Be sure to drink at least 2 cups of water within a half hour of waking up to make up for the dehydration of sleep. This is very important for people like myself because of the amount of sweating I do when sleep I will become more dehydrated.
Monday, March 4, 2013
Health Tip #29: Keep Your Mind Active
Of all the network TV the show think is the best news source is 60 Minutes. They are presenting some really good news reports lately. This week they delve into the housing "issue" in China. Amazing story.
How ever you get your news do it regularly to keep you brain happy. Even with all the depressing news out there it is important to keep your brain informed and active.
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Health Tip #28: New Things
Don't be afraid to try new things. I've been try many new things, from Asparagus to green smoothies I've been expanding my tastes greatly.
I have been putting Spinach in my smoothies. I have never liked spinach. It is actually good. I also added wheat grass and it made my smoothie taste like grass...but I liked it. Don't hold yourself back you may actually enjoy these things that seem gross. Also by drinking green smoothies for breakfast I have lost 2% of my body fat.
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Health Tip #27: Slow Down
No I don't mean stop exercising. Slow down while eating. It takes around 20 minutes for your stomach to tell your brain you are full. Don't eat it all really fast take small bites and savor it. You may find that after 10 to 20 minutes, you won't be as hungry as you thought.
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Health Tip #26: Fat Consumption
Keep track of the amount of fat from food you consume as well as calories. The suggested amount is to stay around 20% to 35% of you overall nutrients. Most calorie trackers also track fat so just start looking at your nutrient percentages. I have noticed that even though I am losing weight my Body Fat Percent is going up. Basically I'm losing mass but not fat. I noticed my fat has been staying around 40% to 45%; the majority of my nutrients. If I don't decrease this number I will end up with extra flabby skin when I reach my goal. I don't want that. Some good ways to help lower fat. Look and see how many calories come from fat. My pesto I use everyday is 270 calories but 230 calories from fat for 1/4 cup. I don't use that much in a day but the ratio is not good. I will be cutting that out completely. Eat more veggies; our body needs good fat still and veggies have the healthiest source. Swap your ground beef with ground turkey. Not only does it have less calories but it also has less fat and is overall healthier. I have always preferred turkey burger but most people in my house do not so I haven't been buying it anymore. This is going to change. You can also dab your food. Whether at a restaurant or at home you can decrease your calories by 300 a day if you just dab it with a napkin, especially if its pizza.
Monday, February 11, 2013
Health Tip #25: Don't Sit Down
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Health Tips: BRB
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Health tip #24: Eating Healthy is Expensive?
Every one has heard or said the phrase, "I would start eating better but health food is too expensive." This really is not true. Yes, prepackaged health food is more expensive but why do you need to buy those "health" options. Instead of getting foods that say, healthy on the front or made with natural ingredients, just make them at home. Want to buy a 'low calories" thin crust pizza, get a package of flour and yeast. Find a quick pizza dough recipe and make a pizza at home. Learn yo cook because not only will it be cheaper; taste how you want it to. It is easier to buy unhealthy because we have trained ourselves to rely on them so we have learned to buy them froogly. All we need to do is train yourself to buy healthy and keep the cost down. With time you will discover you are saving money; mainly because it costs more to feed someone who eats poorly and gets seconds or thirds than someone that eats healthy and only puts what they will eat on their plate.
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Health Tip #23: Counting Calories
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Pesto Veggie Pizza: Lunch Style
Pesto Egg English Muffin
After making the Pesto Pizza I had some left over pesto and thought maybe I should use it for my breakfast. I had forgotten how much I love pesto and adding to my sandwich was a great idea.
To reduce calories omit pesto, use egg substitute/whites, omit sausage or omit cheese.
Just don't do all or it doesn't taste as wonderful.
Monday, January 28, 2013
Health Tip #22: Health Podcasts
The Jillian Michaels Show: Lots of rambling but filled with nuggets of goodness. What I like about her is she doesn't tip toe around she will tell you want you are doing wrong and tell you how to fix it.
The Nutrition Diva's Quick and Dirty Tips for Eating Well and Feeling Fabulous: Fast and under 10 minutes. Very useful information on eating healthy.
I also just found out that Diamod Dallas Page has DDPRadio. He has created the DDPYoga workout that I am really wanting to try. I haven listened to it but I will update if it is good or not.
This is one way I stay informed, it's not gonna be right for everyone but if you listen to the radio at all I suggest you look around. Go to iTunes and skim the Health podcast section and see whats there.
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Pesto Veggie Pizza
Health Tip #21: Anti-Fun
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Health Tip #20: Fun
You don't always have to be uptight about health. Allow yourself to have some time to unwind. If that means having a little wine once a week or eating a bowl of ice cream. Its not the end of the world, enjoy it and don't beat yourself up over it. Because you know you will do fine tomorrow.
Friday, January 25, 2013
Health Tip #19: Vitamins

Here are a couple links about fat burning vitamins:
Ok. So it's been 4 or 5 months so I guess its time to redo this blog again. My new focus with this blog is to highlight my photography, share great HEALTHY recipes I find and post health tips. I want to use this to motivate my healthy eating eating lifestyle and get myself back into photography. Keep coming back to see a daily health tip and look forward to some good posts in the future.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Health Tip #18
Don't listen to your treadmills data. Every treadmill manufacture calibrates theirs different and usually use extremely healthy men to calibrate their calories burned monitor. By doing this the number can become inflated beyond what you actually burn. There are many other factors as well. If you use the fat burning program you will be keeping your heart rate down to a low level and when your heart rate is low you will burn less and a treadmill doesn't account for this difference and will display a higher burn amount. Don't rely on a treadmills heart rate monitor either because in order to be accurate you will have to hold on to the handles for your entire run. If your holding on you cant run very well and wont burn as many calories. Best way to accurately know your calories burned is by having a heart rate monitor that straps to your chest and records calories burned based on that.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Health Tip #17
When starting a journey to better health don't be afraid to rely on others for support. Remember to be honest with yourself and share your progress with others good or bad. I am receiving so much support by great people that this quest is easier than I could imagine. On another note be sure to help your friends that are on the same journey. Help them when they are down and congratulations them when they do great. Even if they are doing better than you.